The Other Side



If you think about it, we are always wondering what we have to look forward to on the other side of anything. What happens after we fall in love? What happens after we graduate from school? What happens after we lose our youth? What happens after we lose our health? What happens after we divorce? It is the other side of any situation, the unknown, that most of us fear.

I would imagine though, that most of us worry more about the other side of life than anything else. If we really knew what awaited us on the other side of life, would we make different decisions while we're here or maybe look at aging and death through different eyes? What is the other side of life? Could it be that only skin and bones separate this existence from the one we will have after we die? I think the other side is represented in this poem...


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The Other Side

I got a telephone call,
Your time on earth is done,
I wasn't ready to give you up,
Are we ever ready,
To lose someone?

How do I explain the loss,
Of laughter and flowing tears,
A pain now pierces my heart,
A friendship forged,
Throughout the years?

I feel your presence,
At home and even away,
Listening to music,
Reading old letters,
You're still here today.

You found serenity,
You exist judgment free,
Dancing amid the stars,
While your memory is forever,
Living on inside of me.

©Dianna Doles Petry




We can all dance upon the stars, never feel hungry or know the pain another human being can inflict. We will all be players in our own perfect time, away from the imperfections we deal with in this earthly script.

Death is not to be feared. It is the natural end to a life that is not meant to last forever and in reality, who would want it to last after our ability to live and love has left us? I know that for me, life means being useful, being able to correspond with others and enjoying the simple pleasures that life has to offer. When that ends, life will already be over whether the shell my soul lives in is ready to give up or not.

At first, after a death, we are selfish and we do not want to give up the connection we have with a friend or loved one. We are immediately aware of the loss their death brings to us. We wallow in the emptiness we feel within our heart. After a while though, one minute at a time, we begin to allow the tears to flow and our hearts to mend. We continue on with the process of living safe in the knowledge that we will someday go to the other side ourselves.

I tell you what, don't cry for me if I should be called away before you are. Just remember that if I have anything at all to do with it, I'll see you on the other side!!

©Dianna Doles Petry 2007

Contact Dianna       



"Now and Forever"

Artist unknown
©1994 International Midi Rights



Life is changed,not taken away.
To live in hearts we leave behind is not to die.









A very special "Thank you, Dianna!"
for sharing this thought provoking perspective
of The Other Side with us.

(Browse the following links to see more of Dianna's inspiring work.)


The painting "Bridging the Seasons" is ©Tom Sierak and was used by Angels Design Graphics
with his permission to construct this graphics set. Use the link above to visit Tom's site,
or go to



This "Bridging the Seasons" Graphics Set made with love by

July 25, 2003



Script for floating leaves courtesy of Meloxicam bestellen






Page updated 10-27-09
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